



发布日期:2023-12-08  来源:商学院   韩晓东
2023 12
12 主题 basic notions of multiple-criteria decision aiding and electre iii/iv method
主讲 roman słowiński 时间 2023年12月12日(星期二)上午9:30—11:30
地点 商学院116东方厅 短标题 “商学大讲堂”系列学术讲座(第233讲)---学术名家讲坛(56)

讲座题目:basic notions of multiple-criteria decision aiding and electre iii/iv method

主讲嘉宾:roman słowiński







roman słowiński is a professor of operational research at the poznań university of technology and systems research institute of the polish academy of sciences. as a full member of the polish academy of sciences he has been its vice-president in 2019-2022. he is also a member of academia europaea and fellow of ieee, irss, informs, ifip, ifors, aaia, and iaitqm. recipient of the euro gold medal, officer of academic palms of france and doctor honoris causa of four universities. laureate of the 2005 prize of the foundation for polish science, and the humboldt research award 2023 (germany). since 1999, coordinating editor-in-chief of the european journal of operational research.


the first part of the lecture is an introduction to multiple-criteria decision aiding methodology. it starts with from an observation that the dominance relation established in the set of alternatives evaluated on multiple attributes (voters, or criteria, or states of the nature) is the only objective information that stems from the formulation of a multiple attribute decision problem (ordinal classification, or ranking, or choice – with multiobjective optimization being a particular case). while it permits to eliminate many irrelevant (i.e., dominated) alternatives, it leaves many alternatives incomparable. this situation may be addressed by taking into account preferences of the dm. therefore, decision aiding methods require some preference information exhibiting a value system of a single or multiple dms.

the second part of the lecture consists in presentation of an mcda method based on outranking relation preference model, called electre iii/iv. the preference information used to build the outranking relation in the set of alternatives is characterized first, and then exploitation procedures of this relation, leading to a final recommendation, are described. the method is illustrated with a didactic example of a multiple-criteria decision problem. the electre on excel software demo will end the lecture.

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